Reading the Nature's Magic Bullet article really shocked me when it said that shoes lead to bad posture, distorted feet, and an increase in common ailments! It sounds totally unbelievable and ridiculous, but then again could it really be that simple as going barefoot to lower one's risk of contracting multiple sclerosis, lung cancer, or other common diseases? First a history lesson: shoes were widely used in order to protect feet from sharp objects, keep them clean, and show off one's social status. A pointed foot was a desired shape to make one's foot look more aristocratic, but then the style of compressing and squeezing together toes became the norm. There never was a shoe that complemented a natural formation where one could draw a line from the big toe to the heel (as pictured). Instead, feet adapted to the fit of the shoe because that's what feet are supposed to do: adapt. There are many people around the world who go barefoot, have natural spacing between the toes, called a gait, and their feet, not to mention their health, are completely fine. Crazy right? You'd think that without shoes your soft feet are exposed to all sorts of dangers, but soft, vulnerable feet are caused by shoes in the first place! If someone goes barefoot, nature made it so that feet adapt to the environment, which is why arch supports are bogus since doctors still buy into wearing shoes all the time as a means to protect one's feet when, in reality, shoes make people lose natural formations. Unshod (yes that's the correct spelling for "without shoes") people, not only those in the wild but also those living in urban environments, have great natural arches, resilient soles, and are less likely to develop improper posture along with general wellness all because of their foot shape. I mean, you could ignore this and say it's stupid, but if going barefoot whenever possible, as nature intended, is all it takes to prevent simple problems and diseases then it doesn't sound so crazy anymore.
Good think I'm more often than not barefoot.
But even then, it hurts to walk around barefoot, stones and owies. D:
I'd love to walk unshod, but most of the time, the situation won't let me. I've got quite a busy life, but whenever I can, I'll walk unshod. But the weather is also a great factor. I can't wait untill it's the summerholiday. I'll walk unshod all the time!!
Good for you Thijs!
Of course I cannot -- nor can anyone else -- expect you to go barefoot all the time, but it's still beneficial to take off your shoes whenever you can even if it's just walking around the house or on the beach.
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!
Hi folks,
the website linked above vanished a long time ago, luckily I was able to save a copy from google cache. Text is complete only a few pictures are missing:
Get lots done
PS: Stephen do you have any more pictures saved to your machine?
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